Homemade wood stove from a gas cylinder

by Andy Patterson

'Found your site from the forums, very nice it is too!
I made my own woodstove from a gas cylinder and wondered if you'd thought of including a set of self-build instructions as an ebook or something like that?
I decided to do it after I noticed I could buy all the tools and equipment to make a stove a lot cheaper than buying one, now I have two good stoves, a welding set, grinder and various other tools all for the price of 1 small woodstove.

andy www.camping-and-hiking.com

Hi Andy, thanks for the input. I have actually considered doing exactly that, but I wanted to actually go through the process of building one myself first.

I've seen some successful stoves elsewhere online but I have reservations about whether they would achieve a nice clean burn. I think it would be quite easy to make an inefficient smoke dragon if you didn't put some careful thought into it!

As you have done this yourself perhaps you would be interested in doing a content exchange? I'd love a guest article on it and I'm a pretty experienced camper/outdoor type.

Let me know!


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Sep 23, 2015
Clean up your mess!
by: Anonymous

Then the companies that own the gas tanks should be responsible for damage when they wash up in the ocean, in farm ditches, etc.? It's your property and you made a profit from it so clean it up.

Dec 01, 2013
by: Anonymous

To an extent both are right as it depends upon the type of contract deployed by the providing company.

Some use a rental contract which means it remains the property of the supplying company and they examine the cylinders and pressure test them when required.

Some use a purchase contract and in this you purchase the bottle and you own it, the supplying company just refills it or swaps it for a full one.

Feb 04, 2012
gas cylinder
by: Anonymous

using gas cylinders is not a crime leaving them to rust is. deposits are paid when you buy gas to cover cost to supplier of the cylinder .

Jan 01, 2012
Homemade wood stove from a gas cylinder
by: Anonymous

Check a web site , www.blttanks.com/salvage-tanks . It is a company in Kingfisher Ok that buys, sells and rebuilds propane tanks of all sizes . They also sell what they call salvage tanks that dont meet spec's to be put back into orginal service .

Dec 18, 2011
gas cylinder stove
by: Anonymous

Sadly gas cylinders remain the property of the gas distributor, and their heirs and successors, and whilst some might regard this as stretching a point, to cut them up for other uses is an offence. Theft for starters. Tiresome I know (an how many crates have we seen marked "property of Allied Bakeries" etc.?) but along with many eBayers, you have just advertised the fact of your crime on the internet. OOPS!

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